Partnered Connection Workshops
These workshops are held spaces that aim to create a safe and comfortable environment for partners to connection by practicing relationship skills:
Emotional regulation & resourcing
Each workshop will offer you both the opportunity to learn and practice a skill
to support & improve your relationship quality
What to Expect:
120 minutes of theory, shared practice & reflection
Gentle music
Interaction with your partner and other people
Saturday 4 February 2023
Saturday 11 March 2023
Saturday 1 April 2023
Saturday 29 April 2023
Saturday 27 May 2023
What you’ll need:
A water bottle to stay hydrated throughout the workshop
Comfortable clothes
Willingness to discover new ways of relating to yourself, your partner & others
Somatic Practice Workshops happen in the Mountain Room
at the SOHO Arts Centre, 14 Weld Street, South Hobart
Frequently Asked Questions
What will we actually be doing?
We will be doing partnered practices and a few individual experiences that have been designed to create a sense of grounding & safety in our nervous systems.
We will learn about practices that support your relationship ability & function, and practice them in session.
We will ease into the practices throughout the semester at a pace designed to support your nervous systems.
What are the benefits of doing couples’ practices?
Partnered skills support you to function in your relationship with more ease and accord. You may also discover an increased sense of personal wellbeing.
The skills presented in these workshops bring into focus some of the most common things that go awry in relationships, and replace old habits with conscious & embodied experiences of assertive, clean and consensual interactive skills.
The skills we will be practicing will support your intimate and close relationships, and also any interactions you have with others.
300 repetitions of any new skill becomes muscle memory, 3000 repetitions becomes an embodied habit.
Will there be homework?
There is no requirement to do homework, but it is ideal to practice between sessions.
I understand how tricky it can be to find time and commit to doing practices together, which is one of the reasons I am offering these sessions ;)
You are more likely to use your new skills in heightened moments if you practice regularly and integrate the skills into your way of being.
Do I have to do all the activities/stay in an activity if I feel uncomfortable or change my mind?
Nope. I encourage you to listen to your inner awareness of what feels comfortable/safe/right and take breaks when you need.
Spaces will be provided for breaks and rest.
You don’t need to explain yourself or provide reasons for why you take breaks.
I will check in with you to make sure you feel okay if you take an extended break.
If you want to take a break during a partnered exercise, I ask you to be mindful of your partner's experience. Ideally you will opt out prior to starting a partnered exercise.
If you have any other questions or concerns about couples’ practices, please contact me using this form: