Somatic Embodiment Workshops
Join me in these somatic practice workshops
to gently expand your embodied awareness
Soma definition: the whole body; the experience of life through the body
Somatic: relating to/feeling the body, especially as distinct from the mind
Somatic therapy: heals through the integration of mind & body
In session we will explore embodiment through a variety of modalities, including:
individual, partnered & group practices
Each session will offer you the opportunity to increase your sensational capacity and dexterity, as we move through a progression of somatic embodiment practices
What to Expect:
120 minutes of somatic practice & sharing
Gentle music
Groups of no more than 8 people
Female identifying group: 12pm - 2pm
Male identifying group: 3pm - 5pm
Wednesday 22 February 2023
Wednesday 22 March 2023
Wednesday 19 April 2023
Wednesday 17 May 2023
Wednesday 14 June 2023
Wednesday 26 July 2023
What you’ll need:
A water bottle to stay hydrated throughout the workshop
Comfortable clothes
Willingness to discover new ways of relating to yourself, others & the world
Somatic Practice Workshops happen in the Mountain Room
at the SOHO Arts Centre, 14 Weld Street, South Hobart
Frequently Asked Questions
What will we actually be doing?
Somatic practices are like a combination of gentle yoga, guided meditations, improvisational theatre and imagination exercises.
We will ease into the practices throughout the semester at a pace designed to support your nervous system.
Some of the practices will be solo while in the room with others, and some will be shared experiences.
What are the benefits of doing somatic practices?
Studies have shown that an overwhelming majority of our awareness, motivations, and responses are initiated in our bodies.
Somatic practices support you to inhabit and understand what it is to be an embodied being.
Increased embodiment supports emotional intelligence, resilience, and a sense of connection with self, others & the world.
300 repetitions of any new skill becomes muscle memory, 3000 repetitions becomes an embodied habit.
Will there be homework?
There is no requirement to do homework, but you are encouraged to practice between sessions.
You will probably find that elements of the practices arise in your awareness between sessions as they integrate into your body.
Do I have to do all the activities/stay in an activity if I feel uncomfortable or change my mind?
Nope. I encourage you to listen to your inner awareness of what feels comfortable/safe/right, and take breaks when you need.
Spaces will be provided for breaks and rest.
You don’t need to explain yourself or provide reasons for why you take breaks.
I will check in with you to make sure you feel okay if you take an extended break.
If you want to take a break during a partnered exercise, I ask you to be mindful of your partner's experience. Ideally you will opt out prior to starting a partnered exercise.
If you have any other questions about somatic practices, please contact me using this form: